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The development of awareness in children and the younger population about the environment and its protection begins from the earliest childhood. Certainly it is not only the kindergartens and the school that are in charge, but primarily the parents, who play a key role in the ecological upbringing of their children – if a child sees an adult as respectful of nature and they will want to behave that way. Every human being, after developing ecological awareness, acts on other people around him, and thus the circle of ecologically conscious persons grows year after year, which leads to the development of a healthy society that cares about the nature and environment in which they live.

An important task for the family is to develop a healthy relationship between children and nature. It is good for children from a young age to start caring for and properly treating the environment in which they live. The protection of the environment begins with the care for the cleanliness of the home environment, the yard, the streets, settlements and beyond. If children perceive the Earth as their home to worry about, it will be clearer to them how they can protect it.

The child's environmental awareness has been developed as much as it has been developed by us adults. We are their role models, models that they will act on. She will often not obey what we ask of them, but will by no means miss the opportunity to imitate us. An infant shows an interest in exploring the world. It explores its surroundings with all its senses – observation, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

Teach your child the importance of waste separation and recycling. At the same time, you will be learning what material is made of which subject. Various handy objects and small artworks can be made from plastic bottles, tetrapacks and similar waste. Explain to him why he should not throw candy canes or chewing gum down the street. Take excursions or hiking trips to help your child see and experience the untouched nature. Experts are already worried, so they say that we leave the children to the planet and at the same time alienate them from nature.
