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A griffon vulture named Luke has been in the Lead area for two weeks. A team of the Birds of Prey Foundation of Serbia, (Belgrade, Serbia) monitor its movements with the GPS, today informed the Novi Val Youth Club where the bird is located to take care of the bird until further notice because they have the conditions for its maintenance. after inspection he confirmed that the bird was very exhausted, a rescue action was launched by contact of a team from Serbia.

Members of the Youth Club of Novi Val made their way to the Olovo location where the bird was found. The griffon vulture was successfully captured then transferred to a wildlife transport cage. Local vet Harris who found him and handed over the soup to the New Wave Youth Club who have all the conditions for keeping this bird. Together with the members of the Novi Val Youth Club, Griffon Vulture is on his way to the Blagaj Eco Center, where he will be given further care.
