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There are no reliable statistics on the production of packaging waste in BiH. This is mainly due to the lack of regular and accurate statistics for this indicator. One reason is the lack of primary legislation on packaging and packaging waste. The packaging and packaging waste management system has not yet been introduced in BiH.

However, rough estimates of packaging waste production can be given. Based on the results of the analysis of the morphological composition of the waste disposed of at the Uborak Regional Landfill, then at landfills in Sarajevo Canton and the Municipality of Tuzla, the annual amount of packaging waste amounts to 239,972 tonnes, which is equal to the annual amount of 62 kg per capita. The reasons for this are high transportation costs, lack of waste selection at source, lack of collection systems and adequate recycling markets across the country, lack of subsidies and incentives, and poor public awareness. Separate collection and treatment of packaging waste is still not widespread in BiH, and it should be implemented as soon as possible, as this will significantly affect the environment and quality of life.
